Starkstrom Scotland have recently completed a COATER PRINTER upgrade.  The machine prints and coats paper for a specialist market.  The old machine’s speed control was primarily from a RENOLDS adjustable gearbox from a fixed speed 15 kW motor.  The old system had a pony motor that adjusted the gearing.  The RENOLDS unit had performed very well for probably over 40 years but was starting to give problems.   Starkstrom have integrated a turnkey solution with VSD driven motor gearbox.  The new VSD provides a speed reference for the Printer section.  Benefits to the customer include: improved reliability, better speed control, reduced energy consumption, easier to maintain, increased machine safety.


OLD RENOLDS adjustable gearbox

Coater Printer Upgrade by Starkstrom Scotland Electrical Contractors Glasgow

New VSD driven motor gearbox

Coater Printer Upgrade by Starkstrom Scotland Electrical Contractors Glasgow